CBH 2021 Turkey Trot
What: CBH Turkey Trot
Where: Chicago Bow Hunters
320 Charlestown Dr
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
When: November 13, 2021
9am line
1pm line
5pm line
Who: All shooters are welcome. No affiliation with any club or organization is needed.
Rules: World Archery, USA Archery scoring rules will be in effect.
Fee: $25 shooting fee JOAD $20 shooting fee $50 family maximum
Cash or checks only paid at check in
Round: FITA Indoor 600 round, 20 ends of 3 arrows at 18 meters @ 40 cm target
Raffle: There will be a raffle for a turkey at each shooting time. 1 free raffle ticket with registration.
Extra tickets available for purchase at the site.
Registration: Registration Deadline is November 8. Each line time is limited to 20 shooters, on a first
come first serve basis.
On line registration https://forms.gle/JgcCmCNcntqguH6X8
Contact: Gabe Querol – Qflite@prodigy.net 630-915-1578