Registration now open for Vegas Warm-Up
Registration is now open for the Vegas Warm-Up on Saturday, January 13. Please note, all shooters will use the smaller 40cm target. We encourage and hope to see you on the 13th!
What: CBH Vegas Warm Up
Where: Chicago Bow Hunters
320 Charlestown Dr
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
When: January 13, 2024
9am line
1pm line
5pm line
Who: All shooters are welcome. No affiliation with any club or organization is needed.
Rules: Vegas rules for equipment. Up to 27/64” arrows allowed. Please note, if you are shooting for a USA Archery pin, you must comply with WA rules for arrow size. That maximum is 23/64”.
Fee: $30 shooting fee, JOAD $25 shooting fee, $60 family maximum. Cash or checks only paid at check-in.
Round: There will be 30 arrows shot at a 40cm single spot or triangle 3 spot using World Archery
scoring. Those arrows will be eligible for USA Archery pins. A second 30 arrows will be shot using Vegas rules. The big ten ring will be used by all styles of bows. X count will be kept. You will move from low position to high position, or obverse, after five ends. Again you will use either a 40cm single spot, or a triangle 3 spot target.
Prizes: There will be give aways and prizes throughout the day and of course medals for podium placements
Registration: Registration Deadline is January 11. Each line time is limited to 20 shooters, on a first come first serve basis.