2023 Michele Hansen Turkey Trot Recap
CBH recently conducted the 2023 Michele Hansen Turkey Trot. The event drew 55 shooters over the three shooting times, on November, 11. See the shoot results here. Thanks to member George Dan and Thrivent, we were able to provide extra prizes to our shooters.
Raffle Winners:
Gift Basket – Andrew Davila
5pm Pies – Courtney Langley 2, Andrew Querol, Aidan Dattilo
5pm Turkeys – Jacob Mura, Yash Mishra
1pm Pies – David Reisner, CeCe Hoang, Cordelia Wagner, Mary Walker
1pm Turkeys – Ashton Fredrick, CeCe Hoang
9am Pies – Maverick Lewis, Joe Gilmore, Bruce Berkshire, Aubrey Hummel
9am Turkeys- Maverick Lewis, Chris Smuczerowicz
In the ‘game within the game’, Cracker Jack shooters, those shooters with the most 30’s, or in the case of BB shooters, most 27’s (must all be in the yellow), there was a tie. After clarification, we had to downgrade Alex, leaving Patrick and Ziggy, on the 1pm line tied with 6 perfect ends. Perhaps an arm wrestling match to break the tie?? Whaddya think boys?
Our archery community was diminished by the loss of Brian Lewis, one of Strictly Archery’s shooters and a JOAD dad. He died suddenly and left a very young family. Thanks to the generous raffle donations of our shooters, we were able to give $600 to the family, via a Go Fund Me donation.