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March 6 CBH Pin Shoot To Benefit Sauk Valley Archers

There were a total of 48 archers and 46 scores turned in. That 48 archer total represented 6 full lines of shooters, spanning 12 hours of shooting. A total of $1,222.84 was raised and given to Sauk Valley Archers. Total Registrations = $480 Total Donations = $742.84. On March 6, CBH and Wheaton Rifle Club came together to conduct a scheduled pin shoot. After hearing that Sauk Valley Archers had suffered a catastrophic building collapse, due to recent heavy snowfall, the CBH Board of Directors generously directed that all registration monies be given to Sauk Valley Archers. WRC leadership and members pitched in generously as did CBH leadership and members. To augment funds, Darlene Kossler donated a penny a point for all scores shot, totaling $108.92. Mark Wolverton, of WRC, matched that donation and an extra $108.92. There was outstanding fellowship and fun throughout the day, with an informal competition between the line times to see who could earn the most points. Results of the points total are on the enclosed spreadsheet. Oh, there was some archery as well. Several archers earned pins and of course there were near misses and triumphs. One archer thought he had missed his pin by a point. After rechecking the math, he found out he had earned his pin!! Always check the math! CBH’s own Alice Lee, was heartbreakingly close to earning her Bronze Olympian pin on the 3pm line; missing out by a single point. She came back at 7pm and in heart stopping fashion, earned her pin by shooting exactly the number she needed. All the results are included in the enclosed spreadsheet. I would like to extend a very large thank you to Cheri Kirkpatrick, who helped throughout the day. Another large thanks goes to Friday league members, Heath Sapiega, Andrew Querol, Jim McDonough and surrogate league member Brandon Hodge, who replaced the foam facing on the targets, Friday evening. Many thanks to all who generously donated their time and treasure to support CBH and Sauk Valley. I’m so pleased to be associated with this fine group of archers and people. Gabe Querol


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